With its simple design, the five-arm luxury chandelier model, which is preferred in more luxurious but simpler living spaces, comes in a stylish design with its golden yellow color and motif glass fan. The luxury chandelier models, in which the thin motifs on the body stand out, are designed to be used in smaller areas. Classic chandelier models with 5 bulbs can be preferred in smaller areas of the entrance and entrance houses. The five-arm classic chandelier models prove to be a different design from the others with the bowl in the middle. The classic chandelier design, which is more elegant with its narrow and long appearance, is especially preferred by users who do not want very flashy design. It draws attention with its five embroidered glass lanterns on it. With its durable materials used in both design and production, the Five-arm classic chandelier, which is specially produced for users who prefer luxury and classic decoration, can increase the number of bulb senses and lanterns. the luxury chandelier, which you will prefer from Asortie furniture, one of the luxury chandelier manufacturers, will fully adapt to your classical living space. To get information about classical chandelier prices, simply fill out the product information form.